Global Telco Response to OTT Disruption 2016 – 2020



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The report provides an overview of the various services and strategies being pursued by carriers globally to fight off further disruption from OTT players on telco services. The report looks at a series of case studies of carriers that have effectively staved off the OTT issue in their markets and provides insights into how other carriers can benefit from their experiences.

It also throws light on the major OTT players and their service portfolio and also provides analysis on how the OTT players are set to evolve over a range of telco services. There is a section dedicated on business models implemented by OTT players and which business models are most popular when telcos and OTT players partner up.

Key Features:

    • Overview of the OTT market – Highlights the key trends in OTT services and user base growth across different verticals such as voice, messaging and video services. Also provides forecasts for the user base growth of key players like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.
    • Business models and revenue generation- Analyzes successful business models implemented by both carriers and OTT players especially for internet based services.
    • Making the most of the carrier advantage- Provides insights into key areas where carriers have an advantage and recommendations on how to make best use of the carrier advantage.
    • OTT – Carrier alliances- Looks at different carrier- OTT player alliances and highlights the various lessons from each case study.
    • Evolution of OTT services- Details the manner in which OTT services have evolved, especially in the communications industry and maps out the road map for the future evolution of the services.
    • Carriers service portfolio evolution- Looks at how carriers have evolved in response to the OTT disruption right from pricing experiments to creating their own products.
    • Role of the MVNO- Throws light on MVNOs in particular and how they can make the most of the OTT popularity.
    • Learning from disrupted carriers – Provides details on carriers that have faced OTT disruption and the steps taken to reduce impact on carrier revenues.
    • Threats when working with OTT players – Discusses key issues that carriers must keep in mind whilst partnering with OTT players.
    • Disruption on communications services- Focuses particularly on the communications sector whilst forecasting the growth of OTT communications users and the steps to ensure carriers remain competitive in the space.

Executive Summary

  • The report aims at providing the reader with an overview of the OTT industry, these include
    internet players like Facebook and Google. It looks at the current scenario and highlights the
    current size and strength of the market, and also maps out its growth till 2020. Not only that, the
    report looks at various sub-segments within the OTT industry and highlights why OTT players
    have been able to cannibalize carrier business so quickly and on such a large scale.
  • The report includes over 20 case studies that look at key OTT Players as well as carriers that have faced direct impact from these services and detailed case studies of partnerships that carriers
    and OTT players have forged. The report looks at the world view and also steps into certain
    markets to explain the local impact that an OTT player can have.
  • Perhaps an important part of the report is providing insight into how this OTT industry is set to
    evolve and who the key players will be. The report highlights the services that are set to be
    absorbed by larger OTT players and provides strategic advice in order to enable carriers to
    effectively strategize to ensure their revenue is unhampered in their home market.
  • Revenue generation is a key aspect of this report, and it has a dedicated section on business
    models to help carriers understand OTT business models and also business models adopted by
    fellow carriers to combat this disruption and as well as the customized solutions and subsequent
    business models adopted when partnering with an OTT player.
  • In a world increasingly dominated by WhatsApp and similar players, it is imperative that carriers
    know the best ways to work with OTT players.

Additional information


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